After they spent time for Herbarium, they got limited time to get ready for another journey to USM Engineering faculty. Sigh… and other mates still tired, wish to lay on the bed for some more time.
ahh “panas lit lit” we have to queuing as well…tired tired
So only on board to USM, all of us have a time to have little nap before another activity tonight.
With the very little time all of as have to take a part in Talent Time. Btw adik-adik, we all happy to see your talent, though don’t have enough tome you all managed for it.
Group….erk…..didnt remember sorry….
another group..Upin n Ipin way
the juries
another group with polluted river theme….completed with rubbish and fishes on stage
another group with TV3 news style…..completed with doctor, nurse, OSM etc
another group with their pantun pendek….sigh…ada lagi KAK AYU kat sini…..sabo je la
Junior Facilitators
an the Crew Member including Mr CEO….me as well with Hijau.
Masuk bilik tidor awal….esok kita nak panjat bukit…zzzzz……next entry
The Prohibited Waterfall
Ecehcehhh.. prohibited waterfall.. betul³! And serius la sgt oenat time ni.. rasanya kita semua tidoq dulu sblm budak² lena heheh
hik hik....memang penat..ada orang dah berjalan mcm ketam dah..senget aje masa nak naik bukit tuh..tapi besh..tak tau kat penang ada mcm tu...
Tu la.. mase last year kami pi pun, tak sangke la kat atas tu cantik.. tp mmg penat gak, sbb nye mase dok jumpe² ngan En Azizan tu, dia ckp, "Jalan sikiiiiiiiiiiiiit je, dlm 10 minit".. cisss, tipu!
hang pun buat persembahan kaaa??
haah crew members pun kena buat jugak....layan jek nyanyi lagu hijau..he he